Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Web Marketing in medical practice – Importance of searching keywords (query)

Select the right search keywords are the step one of web marketing, meaning, if you do it wrongly or inappropriately, the consecutive steps cannot effectively drive the expected business outcomes. Such analysis required a experienced professional marketer to run it.

Classifications of the searching keyword
i)                    Navigational - searcher is looking for something specific, eg. Facebook.com;
ii)                  Commercial - searcher are likely purchase-related, eg. Web marketing company in Asia;
iii)                Informational/ Prepurchase. Searcher tends to search query be more generic and non-commercial. Searcher is doing research with a high likelihood of a later eg. Which web marketing company is professional in Asia?

Searching behavior
Searchers often refinements when initial search doesn’t provide satisfactory results.
For example, if someone does a search on “osteoporosis” and gets a set of results but not the correct one, the searcher might notice that the results that appear have geographically information and add that to the query and refine to “osteoporosis Hong Kong”. 

A recent study showed that the searches were successfully only 70% of the time and the rest of the time searchers had to “re-search to find the relevant results”.

What Can Medical Marketing Do For You?
-          Professional searching keywords strategy consultancy
-          Searching keyword analysis tools
-          Competitive intelligence analysis
-          Quantitative online market research
-          Customer focus group

For more enquiries, please call us at 852-25801058 for more information.

www. medicalmarketing.com.hk