Monday, January 24, 2011

What is unethnical web-marketing and its Penalty

If sites are manipulating those results and making them less relevant and useful to searchers, the search engine have methods of pinpointing that and adjusting it.

You can simply interpreted as an unethnical techniques forced search engines to reconstruct their algorithms to prevent spammers from flooding the results page with irrelevant or low quality content. If you or your web marketing companies to use this, you will put your web business at sever risk. Let me give you an example, in early 2006, BMW Germany was penalized by google for illegal usage of keywords and doorways in its corporate web site. The result is the website was completely removed from the result list of google for about 230 days.

Don’t hiring the following company claimed they know “SEO”
1.      Firms that promise specific rankings.
2.      Firms that provide rankings report as a main deliverable.
3.      Firms that don’t disclose to you what actions they are taking on your behalf and what changes they are making to your site.
Firms that don’t disclose their methods for link building or that perform link building by buying links or via link exchange campaigns.


For more enquiries, please email us at or call us at 852-25801059 in office hour HKT 10:00 to 14:00 / 15:00-19:00.

Hire us! Why? Because we have …
1.      Solid experience in management of medical-related projects.
2.      Ability to collaborate and work well medical professionals.
3.      Good understanding of usability, conversion funnels, web analytics, web design, and information architecture design.
4.      Good understanding of technical requirements of organic search
5.      Good medical writing skills and HTML skills
6.      Similar approach and philosophy about organic search as yours.
7.      Familiarize with Google’s webmaster guidelines.
If you have interest on the web marketing in Asia, you are also recommended to visit as well.